
From Eterna Wiki

Revision as of 02:18, 3 December 2013 by Machinelves (talk | contribs) (removed opening link to Dev Chat now that page is integrated)

Did you find a bug?

Is there a usability issue?

Do you have a great feature idea to share?

-->  Follow this Protocol to fix it!




  • Research the EteRNA Wiki for existing resources before posting to the community.
  • Browse, or use the Search field at the left of the screen.


  • Review existing posts in the EteRNA Forums. Take note of any details, solutions, screenshots, or links that can be used as examples.
  • Browse, use the Search field at the top right, or use the "Ask a question" box in the top center of the screen.


  • Check EteRNA GitHub to see whether the issue already been reported or resolved. Take note of links to relevant issues.
  • Browse, or use the Search field at the top left-center of the screen.




  • Share key points & discover solutions in EteRNA Chat. Always be kind, patient, and helpful. 
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can post in Chat, which is accessible at the top right after logging in.


  • Dive deeper into specific interests by collaborating in EteRNA Groups.
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can search & browse Groups through the Community drop-down menu at the top of the page.


  • Make a post in the EteRNA Forums giving examples, and critical details using this Issue Template.
  • Login at the top right ( requires EteRNA Registration, see above ). Then you can post in the Forums using the box in the top center of the screen, choosing from tabs "Share an idea", "Report a problem", or "Give praise".




  • At the next scheduled EteRNA Dev Chat you can ask developers questions in the chat box, which is accessible at the top right after logging in.
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can check for scheduled Dev Chats in News, through the Community drop-down menu at the top of the page. 
  • Record and access transcripts in this Dev Chat Archive.


  • Once a bug or feature has been approved for exploration during Dev Chat, it will be entered into GitHub. 


  • Create a summary of the issue, and pinpoint where it belongs in the Roadmap.
  • Enter the new milestone / issue into the Wiki Issue Roadmap.