
From Eterna Wiki

Revision as of 03:33, 28 November 2013 by Machinelves (talk | contribs) (minor wording changes in Research; consolidation of How / Why under Communicate for brevity & flow; moved Dev Chat to Communication from Track, added GitHub to Track tentatively, rewrite of Communicate points)

This page is under heavy development. Here is the Dev Chat page, which is being incorporated into this Issues portal.



Did you find a bug?

Is there a usability issue?

Do you have a great feature idea to share?

Development Protocol

  • We are a global and diverse community. Always be respectful!
  • Devs and players are very busy. Follow this protocol to be professional.




  • Research the EteRNA Wiki for existing resources before posting to the community.
  • Browse, or use the Search field at the left of the screen.


  • Read existing posts in the EteRNA Forums to take note of any details, solutions, screenshots, or links that can be used as examples.
  • Browse, use the Search field at the top right, or use the "Ask a question" box in the top center of the screen.


  • Check EteRNA GitHub to see whether the issue already been reported or resolved. Take note of links to relevant issues.
  • Browse, or use the Search field at the top left-center of the screen.




  • Share key points & discover solutions in EteRNA Chat. Always be kind, patient, and helpful. 
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can post in Chat, which is accessible at the top right after logging in.


  • Dive deeper into specific interests by collaborating in EteRNA Groups.
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can search & browse Groups through the Community drop-down menu at the top of the page.


  • At the next scheduled EteRNA Dev Chat you can ask developers questions in the chat box, which is accessible at the top right after logging in.
  • Login or Register at the bottom left. Then you can check for scheduled Dev Chats in News, through the Community drop-down menu at the top of the page. 
  • EteRNA Wiki Dev Chat Archive




  • Give examples gathered in your Research.
  • Focus on critical details. Filter out redundancy. Prioritize.
  • Define issue scope in the Forum, and ask questions in Dev Chat.
  • EteRNA Forums
  • Login at the top right ( requires EteRNA Registration, see above ). Then you can post in the Forums using the box in the top center of the screen, choosing from tabs "Share an idea", "Report a problem", or "Give praise".
  • Create a summary of the issue, and pinpoint where it belongs in the Roadmap.
  • Enter the new milestone / issue into the Wiki Issue Roadmap.



  • EteRNA Forums
  • Login at the top right ( requires EteRNA Registration, see above ). Then you can define the issue scope in the Forum post created during Brainstorming, using this Template:

[ finish template categories below & then create example template Forum post to link to ]

- Bug, Usability, or Feature? Choose category.

- Location / Specific Page? Name where it occurs.

- Summary / Title? Keywords!

- Issue: Description of key points that need to be addressed, in order of priority.

- Solution: Description of potential solutions, in order of priority.

- Example: Include links to location, screenshots, forum posts, and any examples which help reproduce the issue.

- Status: Update whether the issue has been resolved, is pending, deferred, etc...

  • WIKI Issue Roadmap:





  • Once a bug or feature has been approved for exploration during Dev Chat, it will be entered into GitHub. 


  • GITHUB: 


  • Following a protocol is a matter of professionalism. Both devs and players are very busy, and .
  • We all have sparks of ingenuity, followed by the sobering requirements of actually manifesting a solution. When we take the time to ..., we show respect to our fellow colleagues.